torstai 1. syyskuuta 2016

Incentive definition

English dictionary definition of incentive. Something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of rewar that induces action or motivates effort. Serving to induce or motivate: an.

How to use incentive in a sentence. Incentive definition is - something that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action. Synonym Discussion of incentive.

Definition of incentive : Inducement or supplemental reward that serves as a motivational device for a desired action or behavior. Dictionary Term of the Day. An optimal incentive is one that accomplishes the stated goal. If the goal is to maximize profits, then an optimal incentive will be one that encourages workers to balance the risk imposed by the employee for poor performance and the marginal disutility of effort.

A weak incentive is any incentive below this level. Ori­entierung von Leistungsvergütungen am Umsatz, Sachgeschenke, die Gewährung von. Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de incentives.

Merkmal einer Incentive -Reise ist der freizeitorientierte Charakter der Reise, welcher sich von einer echten Dienstreise unterscheidet.

Die Teilnahme an Incentive -Reisen ist nach dem „Wenn-Dann-Prinzip“ üblicherweise an die Erfüllung eines Zieles (z. B. Verkaufszahlen, Ergebnisse, Kauf) innerhalb definierter Zeiträume gebunden. The definition of incentive is something that makes someone want to do something or work harder. An example of incentive is extra money offered to those employees who work extra hours on a project.

Competency is the most incentive to industry. Currently research on employee stock ownership incentive effects of equity includes the event study and regression model metho which event study method is test incentive behavior impact on stock prices in the short term, such as by using the event study found that listed company equity incentive announcement before and after the issuance of the stock has a significantly positive price effect. The value of an incentive can change over time and in different situations, notes author Stephen L. Franzoi in his text Psychology: A Discovery Experience. For example, gaining praise from your parents may have positive incentive value for you in some situations, but not in others.

Elle concerne en premier lieu la force de vente. Incentive Pay definition Compensation awarded for rather than for time worked. The $700incentive package comprises tax refund credits and a grant payment program. The Pentagon says the incentive package is worth $1million over three years. The incentive payment falls to $million if the company is sold next year.

The contractor shared percent of a $million incentive bonus with employees. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Un incentive est un acte qui permet à un ou des individus de se motiver.

La plupart du temps en contrepartie d’une récompense par action effectuée.

An incentive program is a formal scheme used to promote or encourage specific actions or behavior by a specific group of people during a defined period of time. Incentive programs are particularly used in business management to motivate employees and in sales to attract and retain customers. Two and Twenty Definition.

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